Unmasking the Spirit Fakers
The Difference Machine
The concept of Unmasking the Spirit Fakers comes from the work of none other than Harry Houdini. Most people know about his elaborate physical escape stunts, but he actually devoted a part of his life to debunking psychics and mediums.
Throughout the course of the album, The Difference Machine is taking up these ideas and updating them for the twenty-first century, exploring the gap between the want for someone to have all the answers and those that exploit this need and just end up selling empty promises.
Loosely based on an essay by the master magician himself, Harry Houdini, Unmasking The Spirit Fakers finds the Atlanta-based psychedelic Hip Hop outfit examining the motives and practices of those who attempt to provide cure-alls and treatments for spiritual ills. Are they gurus or snake oil salesmen? Though abstract in their approach, The Difference Machine attempts to pin down these answers for the listener via a vast backdrop rich with dense lyricism and mind-bending production.
Stand-Out Tracks
Flat Circles
It Ain’t