Tricks of the Shade
The Goats
The story in Tricks of the Shade starkly explores the dark side of American history through the then current setting of the Bush Sr. presidency. It’s told through the lens of Chicken Little and Hangerhead as they navigate the ‘freak show’ of American politics and its paradoxes, exploitation and trickery.
Although largely touted as a theme album with a backstory following the two characters Chicken Little and Hangerhead as they make their way through Uncle Scam’s Federally Funded Welfare & Freakshow to find their mother who was jailed for attempting an illegal abortion, Tricks of the Shade features politically charged lyrics.
It takes aim at such figures as then-US President George H. W. Bush, Christopher Columbus, and Daryl Gates. Criticism and observations were made upon topics such as militarism, police brutality, patriotism, classism, and racism.
Stand-Out Tracks
¿Do the Digs Dug?
Burn the Flag