The Impossible Kid
Aesop Rock
The Impossible Kid follows a loose narrative, one of personal experience and growth. While creating the album, Aesop Rock spent a year in his friend’s barn, escaping his troubles and lingering depression. He sold all his possessions, bringing only his music equipment, a bag of clothes, and his cat.
“I refer to myself as “The Impossible Kid” and I liked how it sounded and the meanings I could pull out of it. In some ways it’s about my endless and often impossible quest to just feel OK—with myself, with the world, with my place, with my life, my relationships, my art, my impact, if any. It’s the impossible quest for happiness and satisfaction. I kind of also think it can refer to generally being stubborn, someone who won’t budge within the creative process.” – Aes.
Stand-Out Tracks
Blood Sandwich