The Album To End All Alien Abductions
King Kashmere & Alecs Delarge
The adequately titled The Album To End All Alien Abductions sees UK stalwart King Kashmere and producer/rapper extraordinaire Alecs DeLarge unite for a 24-track ride through an epic space age boom bap odyssey.
Thematically Kash’s lyrics are routed in sci-fi and Jack Kirby era comic lore, but on cuts such as ‘Old Earth’ (an ode to his Mother and coming of age on a North London council estate and ‘House of Cards’ (an exploration of mental health) the Iguana Man shows a rare glimpse into the man behind the freshly pressed super suit.
Stand-Out Tracks
Damien Darhk
Old Earth
Fonk Abyss

King Kashmere & Alecs Delarge – The Album To End All Alien Abductions