



Sisyphus is a loosely based concept suite referencing the abstract painting of New York-based installation artist Jim Hodges, utilizing the existential themes of his work to propel their writing. Sisyphus is a collaboration between Serengeti, Son Lux, and Sufjan Stevens. When talking about the concept for the album, Stevens said, “there’s a kind of unique earnestness in Jim’s work that seems very real and sentimental and pure and unafraid of exploring the self and your story and intimacy, things like that, like love.”

He noted specifically Hodges’ ability to reference love (a cliche) directly in his visual work without irony. That, that lack of irony in addressing subjects such as “sex, AIDS, drugs, fear of death, loneliness, love, and beauty” allows Sisyphus to create, as Stevens said, “ear candy—catchy raps, pop songs, and sad ballads.” They aimed to create a party album that was honest and earnest, and as strange of a concept as that is, they did a pretty good job of it.

Stand-Out Tracks

Rhythm of Devotion
Lion’s Share
Take Me


Sisyphus – Sisyphus
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