Armand Hammer
Armand Hammer is a duo from Backwoodz Studioz consisting of billy woods and Elucid. Themes of time and religion thread through Shrines and the skits fit way more in this concept of where we’re going as society and a critical view of nostalgia and religion.
The past is seen in a distorted way to make it feel like it was better than it was when actually it was just as shitty as it is now. Their anti-establishment and ant-capitalist stance is firm throughout the album, Shrines acts as a dystopian yet truthful commentary on socioeconomic issues in America.
This is also reflected in the album’s cover of Ming the Tiger, who was kept in an apartment in Harlem, NY, as themes of nature and containment are also prevalent. The natural world plays a significant role in this album..
Stand-Out Tracks
Slew Foot
Dead Cars