Sermon of the MatriarK

Sermon of the MatriarK

W4RP Trio & LiKWUiD


Sermon of the MatriarK is a towering conceptual work strives to, as W4RP put it, “honor the strength and resilience of women across the Black diaspora.” “Sermon of the MatriarK began as an exploration of folkloric material from the African diaspora with powerful female protagonists. As we sought to understand these characters, we became increasingly aware of their real-life counterparts—the heroines who shape our daily lives.” 


“We connected the dots from the legendary African warrior princess Yennenga to Black freedom fighters Harriet Tubman and Assata Shakur, all the way to our mothers, aunties, sisters, and friends fighting to protect and uplift themselves, their families, and their communities.”

Stand-Out Tracks

Here’s One
After the Rainbow

Sermon of the MatriarK
W4RP Trio & LiKWUiD – Sermon of the MatriarK
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