Ruff N Tuff
A narrative concept album, Ruff N Tuff is about one man, who arrived from a foreign land with his Ensoniq ASR-X machine, a challenger ready for action, with something to prove, will have to defeat the toughest opponents in a music tournament. Especially the worst of all: Himself.
It shows a way to use music as a weapon. With impressive production skills, Venom punched the pads with brass knuckles to push his machines to their last limits.
“It’s a metaphor about doing beats to beat your worst enemy — yourself… It’s a fight that takes place deep inside yourself. To me, music has always been an inner fight, when you are face to face with your machine, you have to demonstrate your skills in front of your influences. It’s in your head but you feel them because of the impact they had on you through their art. It’s forbidden to bite their moves, so you create yours with a little base from them. It’s the training. But if you just copy, you lose.” – Venom
Stand-Out Tracks
I Wonder Where She Is Now