Orpheus vs. the Sirens

Orpheus vs. the Sirens

Hermit and the Recluse


Hermit and the Recluse is the name for the team-up of rapper Ka and producer Animoss and they bring the goods for this 2018 album. Orpheus vs. The Sirens follows deep Greek mythology over every track, each named after chapters, characters, and teachings from the ancient myths.

Orpheus is a character from the Greek tale Argonautica, a quest basically centered around retrieving the Golden Fleece. Jason brings Orpheus on his journey as a liberator, one who can save his crew from the enticing calls of the Sirens through his golden lyre alone.

The album itself opens with sampled dialogue from the 1963 film Jason and the Argonauts, in which Orpheus says “I can give you music, music that will tame wild beasts, and lift men’s hearts to heaven.” Orpheus is the most gifted singer/poet in Greek mythology. He was able to drown the sounds of the Sirens with his voice, inspiring the name of this track and the album. Orpheus vs. The Sirens is delicious. 


Stand-Out Tracks1722

Golden Fleece


Hermit and the Recluse – Orpheus vs. The Sirens
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