Nerves Baddington
Ryan Howell, John Mcnaughton and Cameron Johnson are Nerves Baddington and hail from Birmingham, Alabama.
While technically two separate LPs, micro and macro, they play out more as an intrinsically intertwined double album. You can’t have one without the other, and the concept is informed by each part of the whole.
Macro contains a variation of every song on the Micro album, played in reverse order–so the first song will find its variation on the last track of the second record.
It was initially inspired by the concept of backmasking popularized by idiots who believed certain albums played backwards contained hidden Satanic messages that were heard by the unconscious.
It was also inspired by the concept of a film that you could view one way and get one meaning from it, and view it backwards and get a different meaning from it.
Stand-out tracks:
advanced search filter
ernie ball
raven simone
gnarly bizarre