Lorraine Motel
Killa Kyleon
The Lorraine Motel project is directed at what’s going on in today’s society within the black community as a whole. It deals with the treatment people of color have been receiving from law enforcement and how we are programmed and influenced by social media, television and the culture of Hip-Hop to treat each other as well.
“As a race and culture, we need to stand together, but also take accountability for our actions. I feel the black American dream and ideal died when MLK was murdered in Memphis (at the Lorraine Motel). So I created this conceptual project as an analogy of today’s climate in America. We all (African Americans) died that day at the Lorraine Motel. The Lorraine Motel project focuses on events (both past and current) that have taken place since that fatal day.” – Killa Kyleon
Stand-Out Tracks
Ghetto Experiment
New Slave
Cinderella Story