Long Days and Short Lives
Long Days and Short Lives asks: What is it about a long day that drives us crazy? Is it the hectic commute to work? The over enthusiastic boss that seem to have their eye fixated on us more than anyone else? The gossiping coworkers that never seem to be doing what they are supposedly paid to do? Or is it the guy standing in front of the store giving you that not so friendly glare? Or is it your significant other pressing all the right buttons at all the wrong times?
There is something about a long day that often makes one wonder what the hell they did to deserve such a fate. A long day can lead to serious contemplative thought. Should I have done things differently? Why does life have to be so difficult? Will it always be like this? Wouldn’t it be dope if we could wrestle with the hands of time.
The Queens emcee junclassic vividly recounts numerous memories, scenarios and situations that captured a variety of feelings and moods, all linking back to the overall concept of the album and reminding us all that however difficult some of our days may seem, ultimately life can be short so should never be taken for granted.
“This album explores vivid memories of yesterday. It conjures the nostalgia of innocence found and lost. It explores the joys of youthful camaraderie and the painful circumstance of losing friends and loved ones to betrayal, poor health choices, violence and ultimately, time. It questions the pursuit of happiness and the crippling anxiety that often accompany the fear of failure. Long Days and Short Lives speaks to the resilience necessary to get through the long days. It also reflects the cruel reality where it doesn’t take much to turn all of these long days into a short life.”
Stand-Out Tracks
Cousin Boogzee
Hit Concrete
Pull Up