I am Reuben
Funky DL
I am Reuben by Funky DL is inspired by the life and the spirit of his older sibling “Reuben.” After the loss of his brother in 2022, Funky DL felt compelled to write an album . Less than a year apart in age, the two were very close and DL was often captivated by the messages and lessons learnt from his brother.
The album positively explores the themes and topics of these lessons, including life, time, remembrance, reflection, loss, change, courage and respect; all encompassed with smooth, uplifting beats and powerful chord structures.
“I am Reuben” is a deeply relatable album for anyone who has lost someone, recognizing the importance of who that loved one was and the meaning they brought, not only into one’s life, but also to the world. Funky DL has created a beautifully poignant and nourishing album, immortalizing his brother’s name, image and voice; creating a requisite gesture that demonstrates his love for who Reuben was.
Stand-Out Tracks
Guardian Angel
Celebrating Their Lives
I am Reuben