How to Capture Playful

How To Capture Playful

Pink Navel & Kenny Segal


How To Capture Playful. The to-date definitive statement from internet rapper Pink Navel and world standard setting producer Kenny Segal. The album was approached and conceptualized knowing there is a miasma swallowing our globe, our world is in peril, danger is omnipresent.

As a society, we risked it all, gambled our free and fun, staked nature and its God for a hyper connectivity that promotes anxiety and isolation and monoculture.

Where is the fun? Who has maintained their grin? Where is the plot going? Enter Pink Navel, a jovial and trustworthy person who gets it. A person entertaining and occupying play between several marginalized identity markers and yet is still not defined by those words or experiences.

Stand-Out Tracks

New Tech
Present Vendor
Memory Card


How to Capture Playful
Pink Navel & Kenny Segal – How To Capture Playful
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