You’re Dead!
Flying Lotus
You’re Dead! is a concept album about death — which actually started as a joke: “Why don’t we make some shit that just kills everybody?” The album takes the listener on a journey, starting with death and moving on from there.
Flying Lotus elaborates: “I wanted to make a record that started at the moment of death, the perceived idea of what death is. As soon as you hit the play button, it’s on, and then it’s the whole journey through the afterlife, through the Tibetan Book of the Dead kind of idea of what it means to die and to go into different dimensions — you know, the ‘bardos,’ as they put it.”
To truly understand the concept of this album, imagine that as soon as you press play, you are experiencing death. The first track, Theme, represents the panic most people go through when they are dying; hence the very abrasive intro of this song.
Stand-Out Tracks
Never Catch Me feat. Kendrick Lamar
Coronus, the Terminator