Farewell, my friend.
Thes One
With Farewell, my friend., Thes One delivers an homage to his friend and partner from People Under the Stairs, Double K, who died tragically in 2021.
The album is primarily eight instrumental songs that form a “tone poem,” a reference to symphonic compositions like George Gershwin’s “An American in Paris” or Richard Strauss’ “Also sprach Zarathustra” that use long, narrative-like movements of changing moods and motifs.
In the case of “Farewell, My Friend,” Thes purposefully conceived and sequenced the album “to tell the story of our life together,” from their early friendship, through their PUTS years, ending with Double K’s death and imagined afterlife. The album serves as an elegy, mixtape and soundtrack, all in one.
Stand-Out Tracks
Young Mike and Chris Floating Free
Mike and Chris leave for their First Tour
The Bell Tolls for People Under The Stairs