Cannibal Hulk
ILL BILL & Stu Bangas
On Cannibal Hulk, a laced, poisonous batch of LSD has hit the black market and turning normal people into monsters that possess a superhuman strength and no ability to feel pain, becoming flesh-eating cannibals.
“This is one of those records that appears to be about something obvious but is actually about something else entirely,” Bill explains. “Once listeners realize not who but what ‘Cannibal Hulk’ is, they trip and bug out off the record even more. There’s a twist to it. You’re gonna have to watch the videos and listen to the album yourself to know what I’m talking about, but it’ll be worth it.
“Being a comic book fan since before I knew how to read, a lifelong Hulk and Marvel fan, this project is the most fun I’ve had working on an album in a long time. It encompasses what made me fall in love with comic books and hip hop in the first place. It transports you somewhere else and that’s the kind of art I love the most.” – ILL BILL
Stand-Out Tracks
Cannibal Hulk
World War Hulk
Joe Fixit