Bobby Digital in Stereo
Bobby Digital is a character that seems to be part superhero, part bionic man, part pimp, and part space age rapper. As the Bobby Digital persona, RZA describes some of the earlier days of his own life. Partying, bullshitting, going crazy, chasing women, taking drugs.
“It came from a really good bag of weed one day, right? I was in my studio. My birth name is Bobby Diggs. So at the time, creatively, I felt like I was in a digital frame. I felt like I was in high-speed, where everything was digital, in numbers, mathematics. I said to myself at the same time that as Bobby Digital, I could use a character to describe some of the earlier days of my own life. Partying, bullshitting, going crazy, chasing women, taking drugs.”
“At the same time, I would mix in my love for comic books. It was a mixture of fiction and reality together to make a character I thought would be entertaining, and I could utilize that character to get fans into me as an MC, as a lyricist, and also following the path of my life. It’s like pre-RZA. It’s what The RZA struggles not to be, in a way, you know what I mean?” – RZA
Stand-Out Tracks
NYC Everything
Holocaust (Silkworm)