Below the Heavens
Blu & Exile
Below the Heavens is the story of Blu’s life to that point, his ruminations on his life and upbringing. He reflects upon being the product of a father who was a hip-hop fan, and a mother and pastor stepfather who forbade him from listening to secular music.
Exile elaborates: “It’s kind of based on a whole philosophy Blu had. I remember him talking about the concept of being able to create your own Heaven based on your own ideas. The song is almost like telling the listener, “Why not believe that this is there for you, you know?” Like, “As long as you believe in your own ideas, it becomes reality.” You know, in a sense it’s young philosophy on his spirituality. It’s not like he was reading all of these different spiritual or philosophy books back then, you know?”
“It wasn’t tainted at all, which I think is special and holds a lot of beauty to it. It was just very raw and transparent. Like who cares if the philosophy or concept of the album was inaccurate to anyone else. It just is what it is, and I think it’s golden stuff.”
Stand-Out Tracks
Dancing in the Rain
First Things First
Cold Hearted